Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The green

First off, I`m sorry Kathy!  I`ve been promising to put up photos of the garden for ages and am only now doing so.  But with this picture overload, I am making up for it.  Now that it`s summer vacation I have a bit of time to show you folks back home what we`ve been up to in the back yard.

I had this great idea sometime in the dead of winter to photograph our back yard everyday to show how the garden grows. And how snowy it is. But daily photographs proved too grueling for me (I`m getting soft on the Japan gravy train). Later on, so did weekly photographs (very very soft). Then I kind of forgot all about it until last weekend when all of a sudden I realized our garden really had grown. The results are patchy, not the blooming time lapse I had envisioned, but you get the idea. And when I did remember this idea, I made up for lost time and due to macro, lost myself for an hour in the garden. It had just stopped raining but it was bright out so everything was glowing and sparkling with rainwater. At first glance it was a wash of green, but when I got close there were colors everywhere. And I am a sucker for colors.

And then, having written all of the above, I hadn`t publish the post yet and so the present state of the garden is lusher still.  Behold!

From the first to last photos we`ve more than doubled the garden space, and Brian has plans to hoe up more ground yet.  Our neighbors are encouraging it and they didn`t have to tell us twice.  Brian is especially eager to experiment more with staple crops, and I can`t wait to plant out more strawberries, raspberries, and to improve on last years garlic.

Soon I`ll show you some of the projects we`ve been getting up to with our harvests.  8 hours a day at a desk without much work to do is proving to be great motivation to get posts up here.

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