Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back at a desk and a schedule!

The blog was left to molder away in a digital abyss, but no more! A lot`s happened that we won`t try to catch up on, but some highlights were 1. Costa Rica 2. our wedding 3. honeymoon 4. move to Japan and 5. our wedding!

Here are some photos of the wedding day.
This one has stills of the slide show.
And here's the link to ALL of the photos:

THAT was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. A big thanks to our friends Lauren and Daniel of Made From Scraps Photography for doing such a great job with the pictures. If you live anywhere in the SE USA, look em up.

Now we`re finding a rhythm in Sapporo. Our little home`s feeling quite homey, the jet lag has faded and school is about to be in session. We`ve even been making takoyaki at home! We`ll get some photos up of the house soon, but til then here`s a little visual candy of what we`ve seen and done. Also, look out for the rest of the SE Asia videos Brian`s finished. Better late than never. Maybe soon we`ll be back in a blog rhythm too.



JAPAN : the beginning of a long and happy relationship