Friday, October 14, 2011

Coming back to the blog - a trip to Yoichi

I had given up on the blog for a while, but now that I`ve also given up the abominable waste of time that is facebook, I`m coming back to the blog as a way to share photos. I may keep it photo heavy and story light unless I find myself with a lot of time on my hands, but it`s a start.

The following pictures are from a recent canoeing trip we took with some Japanese friends. We met Hachan at a brewery in town, and although he is about our parents` age, we have a lot in common with him and we`ve since become friends. He`s a member of an outdoor club which, rather comically, is called the Tipi Club. But the members are awesome and their trips are amazing. This last trip included gorilla camping under a bridge, then canoeing down a friendly little river that was full up with salmon heading upstream. And because of all the salmon (which are HUGE), the sky was filled with eagles. But we were the only ones on the river on a perfect autumn day and it was amazing. Take a look!

Also, Brian and I have both signed on to contribute to an online magazine that goes out to the expat community in Japan. We`re writing food columns and our first articles just came out. Once you click the link, click the large maroon bar with the pdf download to see it. It`s in the food section.