Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I think it's high time to show off some of the marvelous Kenglish we've found around town. I think these items are only bettered by these translations.
The Everyday new face bar.

OK cash bag.

This is a duck called penguin.

This is my personal favorite. In case you can't read it, it says "French girlish mood with my dogs". What?

So there's no real English here, but neither is there a single horse and buggy to prohibit from being in this area.

This trash can was in a GS 25 (like a 7-11); you can throw away your cans, bottles, and pets!

I guess this English is ok, but it's a really funny hat to wear, especially for a Korean. We've also seen a shirt a few times that says "Please don't feed the boats", but we haven't got a picture of it yet. Duck saw a shirt that says "My Mexican works cheaper than yours". No comment.

This is my pretty subway pass. It has nothing to do with Kenglish, but I wanted to show a picture of it. To get through the turn stile you hold the pass up to a sensor. I like it.

This is an add near our house. It says stupid char's.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Going to school with Jess

When we left for Korea none of us knew what sort of teaching jobs we were going to have. It turns out we're all in elementary schools, and Brian's school (Dong Hang Elementary - we laughed histerically over this when we were delirious with jetlag, which is sort of embarassing now that we're sleep sobered) and mine are very close together.

I'm actually teaching at 2 schools - Dong Cheon Elementary Monday-Wednesday, and Yeong Dong Elementary Thursday and Friday. At Dong Cheon I teach 3rd-6th graders with my co-teacher Gi Sun. I also will have 2 periods of story time a week with 1st and 2nd graders starting next week. During story time I'll read a story then we get to play games and make crafts the rest of the time. I can't wait. This is a video of my classroom at Dong Cheon.

At Yeong Dong I teach 1st-4th grades with my co-teacher Kyung Mi. Though I like both schools, Yeong Dong is my current favorite because the tiny kids are soo sweet, the classroom has a view of the ocean, and Kyung Mi is so much fun to work with. Her English is much better than Gi Sun's too (sorry Gi Sun), so communication is much easier. Here's a video of my classroom at Yeong Dong. Last Friday 2 of the 2nd grade girls were practicing a belly dance routine and wanted me to come watch and of all days not to have my camera! These kids are cuter than puppies times kitties times bunnies. I can't wait to get some pictures of them. They've all been coming up to me with their cell phones to take pictures of me, then they run away laughing.