Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Arm Wrestler

I think the majority of Americans assume that Asians are a much smaller people in terms of physical stature. I know that Jess and I both figured we would be towering over most people here. While it is true that the average size of a westerner is larger, in term of height and weight, the difference is not substantial. Much to her dismay Jess would probably be considered only slightly above average height in Korea. Her dreams of being the BMOC were crushed shortly after we got here. Of course Im only kidding. What I really wanted to accomplish by this post was to show everyone a video someone just sent me today. In this video Jess is arm wrestling our friend Mi yeoun. Its obivous that Jess had completely underestimated her foe and paid the price. Perhaps she was a bit fatigued becuase she had just gotten killed by another friend, Saw-Jin, not five minutes beforehand. Regardless it wasn't a pretty sight and quite a demoralizing experience for Jess. Another blow to her ego came when Jess found out that Mi Yeoun is left handed - ouch.


Momma Laggis said...

Don't worry about it. I think she was probably cheating. You really let her win, right?

Anonymous said...

I think the bed was a disadvantage, Jess has always been so much stronger on hard flat surfaces.
